§ 106‑412. Admission of animals to markets; quarantine of diseased animals; salerestricted; regulation of trucks, etc.
No animal known to be affected with or having visible symptoms of acontagious or infectious disease shall be received or admitted into any publiclivestock market except upon special permit issued by the Commissioner ofAgriculture or his authorized representative. All animals affected with, orexposed to, any contagious or infectious disease of animals or any animal thatreacts to an official test indicating the presence of such a disease, shall bequarantined separate and apart from healthy animals and shall not be sold,traded, or otherwise disposed of except upon written permission of theCommissioner of Agriculture or his authorized representative. All animals soldfor slaughter under this provision must be moved directly to a recognizedslaughter establishment with State or federal meat inspection unless writtenpermission to do otherwise is secured from the State Veterinarian or hisauthorized representative. The owner of the animals shall be responsible forthe cost of maintaining the quarantine, the necessary treatment, and the feedand care of the animals while under quarantine and said costs shall constitutea lien against all of said animals. All trucks, trailers, and other conveyancesused in transporting livestock shall be cleaned and disinfected in accordancewith the regulations issued by authority of this Article. (1941, c. 263, s. 7; 1967, c. 894, s. 9.)