§ 106‑418.11. Licenses.
(a) Any person desiring to be licensed as a livestock dealershall make application to the Commissioner. Such application shall contain theaddress, both business and personal, of the applicant. No financial informationshall be required from the applicant.
Whenever an applicant has complied with this Article, the Commissionershall issue to such applicant a license which shall entitle the licensee toengage in the business of livestock dealer for a period of one year, unlesssuch license is sooner suspended, or revoked in accordance with the provisionsof this Article.
The license may be renewed annually by written request to theCommissioner on a form prepared by the Department of Agriculture and ConsumerServices, which form shall require only the name and current address of thelicensee. No renewal fee shall be charged.
(b) The Commissioner may suspend for a period not to exceed 120days the license of any livestock dealer whom the Commissioner finds hasviolated G.S. 106‑418.10(2). For a second violation of G.S. 106‑418.10(2)within a period of two years, the Commissioner may revoke a dealer's license.
(c) The Commissioner may refuse to issue a license to any personwho has (i) within five years of his application therefor, been finallyadjudicated as having on two or more occasions violated the provisions of G.S.106‑418.10(1) or (ii) on three or more occasions within five years of hisapplication therefor been finally adjudicated as violating G.S. 106‑418.10(2).
(d) All proceedings relative to the suspension, revocation, orrefusal of a license shall be conducted pursuant to the provisions of Chapter150B of the General Statutes. (1973, c. 196; c. 1331, s. 3; 1975, c. 19, s. 34; 1987, c. 827, s. 1;1997‑261, s. 109.)