§ 106‑451.9. Commissioner of Agriculture to administer and enforce Article.
The Commissioner of Agriculture shall have the following powers andduties under this Article:
(1) To administer and enforce the provisions of this Article.
(2) To assign and reassign the administrative and enforcementduties and functions assigned to him in this Article to one or more divisionswithin the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services.
(3) To delegate to any division head and other officer oremployee of the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services any of thepowers and duties given to the Department by statute or by rules promulgatedpursuant to this Article.
(4) To investigate and determine upon application, whether thewarehouse is suitable for the proper storage of cotton.
(5) To conduct investigations of the daily operations of everyState licensed warehouse.
(6) To prescribe, within the limits of this Article, the dutiesof the warehousemen with respect to their care of and responsibility for cottonstored in licensed warehouses.
(7) To issue licenses for the operation of warehouses under thisArticle.
(8) To cooperate or enter into formal agreements with any otheragency of this State or its subdivisions or with any agency of any other stateor of the federal government for the purpose of administering or enforcing anyof the provisions of this Article. (1987, c. 840, s. 1; 1997‑261, s. 55.)