§ 106‑503. Boardof Agriculture to operate fair.
(a) The State fair and other projects provided for in G.S. 106‑502,shall be managed, operated and conducted by the Board of Agricultureestablished in G.S. 106‑502. To that end, said Board of Agriculture shall,at its first meeting after the ratification of this section, take over saidState fair, together with all the lands, buildings, machinery, etc., locatedthereon, now belonging to said State fair and shall operate said State fair andother projects with all the authority and power conferred upon the former boardof directors, and it shall make such rules and regulations as it may deemnecessary for the holding and conducting of said fair and other projects,and/or lease said fair properties so as to provide a State fair.
(b) The Board of Agriculture may adopt regulations establishingfees or charges for admission to the State Fairgrounds and for servicesprovided incidental to the use of the State Fairgrounds.
(c) The Board of Agriculture, subject to the provisions ofChapter 146 of the General Statutes, may establish a schedule of rental ratesfor fair properties and specifications for the issuance of premiums so as toprovide a State fair and other projects.
(d) The Board of Agriculture shall provide and maintainrecycling bins for the collection and recycling of newspaper, aluminum cans,glass containers, and recyclable plastic beverage containers at the StateFairgrounds. (1931, c. 360, s.3; 1959, c. 1186, s. 2; 1981, c. 495, s. 4; 1981 (Reg. Sess., 1982), c. 1359,s. 2; 1987, c. 827, s. 34; 1991, c. 336, s. 2.)