§ 106‑516.1. Carnivalsand similar amusements not to operate without permit.
Every person, firm, orcorporation engaged in the business of a carnival company or a show of likekind, including menageries, merry‑go‑rounds, Ferris wheels, ridingdevices, circus and similar amusements and enterprises operated and conductedfor profit, shall, prior to exhibiting in any county annually staging anagricultural fair, apply to the sheriff of the county in which the exhibit isto be held for a permit to exhibit. The sheriff of the county shall issue apermit without charge; provided, however, that no permit shall be issued if heshall find the requested exhibition date is less than 30 days prior to aregularly advertised agricultural fair. Exhibition without a permit from thesheriff of the county in which the exhibition is to be held shall constitute aClass 1 misdemeanor: Provided, that nothing contained in this section shallprevent veterans' organizations and posts chartered by Congress or organizedand operated on a statewide or nationwide basis from holding fairs or tobaccofestivals on any dates which they may select if such fairs or festivals haveheretofore been held as annual events. (1953, c. 854; 1963, c. 1127; 1991 (Reg. Sess., 1992),c. 1030, s. 26; 1993, c. 539, s. 795; 1994, Ex. Sess., c. 24, s. 14(c); 2005‑435,s. 43.)