§ 106‑520.3. Commissioner of Agriculture to regulate.
The Commissioner of Agriculture, with the advice and approval of theState Board of Agriculture, is hereby authorized, empowered and directed tomake rules and regulations with respect to classification, operation andlicensing of fairs, so as to insure that such fairs shall conform to thedefinition set out in G.S. 106‑520.1, and shall best promote thepurposes of fairs as set out in such definition. Every fair, and everyexhibition using the word "fair" in its name, except fairs classifiedby the Commissioner of Agriculture as noncommercial community fairs, mustcomply with the standards, rules and regulations set up and promulgated by theCommissioner of Agriculture, and must secure a license from the Commissioner ofAgriculture before such exhibition or fair is staged or operated. No licenseshall be issued for any such exhibition or fair unless it meets the standardsand complies with the rules and regulations of the Commissioner of Agriculturewith respect thereto. (1949, c. 829, s. 1.)