§ 106‑541. Definitions.
For the purpose of this Article, the following definitions apply:
(1) "Hatchery" means any establishment that operateshatchery equipment for the production of baby chicks or poults.
(2) "Hatching egg dealer, chick dealer, or jobber"means any person, firm, or corporation that buys hatching eggs, baby chicks, orturkey poults and sells or offers them for sale.
(3) "Live poultry or ratite dealer" means a person whosells or offers for sale to the general public live poultry or ratites. Livepoultry or ratite dealer does not include persons who sell on their ownpremises live poultry or ratites that were raised on the same premises.
(4) "Mixed chicks" or "assorted chicks"means chicks produced from eggs from purebred females of a distinct breed matedto a purebred male of a distinct breed.
(5) "Poultry" means live chickens, doves, ducks,geese, grouse, guinea fowl, partridges, pea fowl, pheasants, pigeons, quail,swans, or turkeys other than chicks or poults.
(6) "Ratite" has the same meaning as in G.S. 106‑549.15.(1945, c. 616, s. 3; 1969,c. 464; 1998‑212, s. 13.10(b).)