§ 106‑549.26. Inspection of establishment; bribery of or malfeasance of inspector.
The Commissioner or his authorized representative shall appoint fromtime to time inspectors to make examination and inspection of all cattle,sheep, swine, goats, fallow deer, red deer, bison, horses, mules, and otherequines the inspection of which is hereby provided for, and of all carcassesand parts thereof, and of all meats and meat food products thereof, and of thesanitary conditions of all establishments in which such meat and meat foodproducts hereinbefore described are prepared; and said inspectors shall refuseto stamp, mark, tag or label any carcass or any part thereof, or meat foodproduct therefrom, prepared in any establishment hereinbefore mentioned, untilthe same shall have actually been inspected and found to be not adulterated;and shall perform such other duties as are provided by this and the subsequentArticle and by the rules and regulations to be prescribed by said Board andsaid Board shall, from time to time, make such rules and regulations as arenecessary for the efficient execution of the provisions of this and thesubsequent Article, and all inspections and examinations made under thisArticle shall be such and made in such manner as described in the rules andregulations prescribed by said Board not inconsistent with the provisions ofthis Article and as directed by the Commissioner or his authorizedrepresentative. Any person, firm, or corporation, or any agent or employee ofany person, firm, or corporation, who shall give, pay, or offer, directly orindirectly, to any inspector, or any other officer or employee of this Stateauthorized to perform any of the duties prescribed by this and the subsequentArticle or by the rules and regulations of the Board or by the Commissioner orhis authorized representative any money or other thing of value, with intent toinfluence said inspector, or other officer or employee of this State in thedischarge of any duty herein provided for, shall be deemed guilty of a Class Ifelony which may include a fine not less than five hundred dollars ($500.00)nor more than ten thousand dollars ($10,000); and any inspector, or otherofficer or employee of this State authorized to perform any of the dutiesprescribed by this Article who shall accept any money, gift, or other thing ofvalue from any person, firm, or corporation, or officers, agents, or employeesthereof, given with intent to influence his official action, or who shallreceive or accept from any person, firm, or corporation engaged in intrastatecommerce any gift, money, or other thing of value given with any purpose orintent whatsoever, shall be deemed guilty of a Class I felony and shall, uponconviction thereof, be summarily discharged from office and may be punished bya fine not less than five hundred dollars ($500.00) nor more than ten thousanddollars ($10,000). (1969, c. 893, s.12; 1991, c. 317, s. 12; 1993, c. 539, s. 1298; 1994, Ex. Sess., c. 24, s.14(c); 1995, c. 194, s. 9; 1997‑142, s. 12.)