§ 106‑549.27. Exemptions from Article.
(a) The provisions of this Article requiring inspection of theslaughter of animals and the preparation of the carcasses, parts thereof, meatand meat food products at establishments conducting such operations shall not
(1) Apply to the slaughtering by any person of animals of hisown raising, and the preparation by him and transportation in intrastatecommerce of the carcasses, parts thereof, meat and meat food products of suchanimals exclusively for use by him and members of his household and hisnonpaying guests and employees; nor
(2) To the custom slaughter by any person, firm, or corporationof cattle, sheep, swine, fallow deer, red deer, bison, or goats delivered bythe owner thereof for such slaughter, and the preparation by such slaughtererand transportation in intrastate commerce of the carcasses, parts thereof, meatand meat food products of such animals, exclusively for use, in the householdof such owner, by him, and members of his household and his nonpaying guestsand employees: Provided, that all carcasses, parts thereof, meat and meat foodproducts derived from custom slaughter shall be identified as required by theCommissioner, during all phases of slaughtering, chilling, cooling, freezing,packing, meat canning, rendering, preparation, storage and transportation;provided further, that the custom slaughterer does not engage in the businessof buying or selling any carcasses, parts thereof, meat or meat food productsof any cattle, sheep, swine, goats, fallow deer, red deer, bison, or equines,capable of use as human food, unless the carcasses, parts thereof, meat or meatfood products have been inspected and passed and are identified as having beeninspected and passed by the Commissioner or the United States Department ofAgriculture.
(b) The provisions of this Article requiring inspection of theslaughter of animals and the preparation of carcasses, parts thereof, meat andmeat food products shall not apply to operations of types traditionally and usuallyconducted at retail stores and restaurants, when conducted at any retail storeor restaurant or similar retail‑type establishment for sale in normalretail quantities or service of such articles to consumers at suchestablishments. Meat food products coming under this subsection may be stored,processed, or prepared at any freezer locker plant provided such meat foodproducts are identified and kept separate and apart from other meat foodproducts bearing the official mark of inspection while in the freezer lockerplant.
(c) In order to accomplish the objectives of this Article, theCommissioner shall exempt any other operations which the Commissioner shalldetermine would best be exempted to further the purposes of this Article, tothe extent such exemptions conform to the Federal Meat Inspection Act and theregulations thereunder.
(d) The slaughter of animals and preparation of articlesreferred to in paragraphs (a)(2) and (b) of this section shall be conducted inaccordance with such sanitary conditions as the Board may by regulationsprescribe. Willful violation of any such regulation is a Class 2 misdemeanor.
(e) The adulteration and misbranding provisions of this title,other than the requirement of the inspection legend, shall apply to articleswhich are not required to be inspected under this section. (1969, c. 893, s. 13; 1971, c. 54, ss. 1, 2; 1991, c.317, s. 13; 1993, c. 539, s. 799; 1994, Ex. Sess., c. 24, s. 14(c); 1995, c.194, s. 10; 1997‑142, s. 13.)