§ 106‑549.56. Prohibited acts.
(a) No person shall:
(1) Slaughter any poultry or process any poultry products whichare capable of use as human food at any establishment processing any sucharticles solely for intrastate commerce, except in compliance with therequirements of this Article;
(2) Sell, transport, offer for sale or transportation, orreceive for transportation, in intrastate commerce,
a. Any poultry products which are capable of use as human foodand are adulterated or misbranded at the time of such sale, transportation,offer for sale or transportation, or receipt for transportation; or
b. Any poultry products required to be inspected under thisArticle unless they have been so inspected and passed;
(3) Do, with respect to any poultry products which are capableof use as human food, any act while they are being transported in intrastatecommerce or held for sale after such transportation, which is intended to causeor has the effect of causing such products to be adulterated or misbranded;
(4) Sell, transport, offer for sale or transportation, orreceive for transportation, in intrastate commerce or from an officialestablishment, any slaughtered poultry from which the blood, feathers, feet,head, or viscera have not been removed in accordance with regulationspromulgated by the Board, except as may be authorized by regulations of theBoard;
(5) Use to his own advantage, or reveal other than to theauthorized representatives of the State government or any other government intheir official capacity, or as ordered by a court in any judicial proceedings,any information acquired under the authority of this Article concerning anymatter which is entitled to protection as a trade secret.
(b) No brand manufacturer, printer, or other person shall cast, print,lithograph, or otherwise make any device containing any official mark orsimulation thereof, or any label bearing any such mark or simulation, or anyform of official certificate or simulation thereof, except as authorized by theCommissioner.
(c) No person shall:
(1) Forge any official device, mark or certificate;
(2) Without authorization from the Commissioner use anyofficial device, mark, or certificate, or simulation thereof, or alter,detach, deface, or destroy any official device, mark, or certificate;
(3) Contrary to the regulations prescribed by the Board, fail touse, or to detach, deface, or destroy any official device, mark, orcertificate;
(4) Knowingly possess, without promptly notifying theCommissioner, any official device or any counterfeit, simulated, forged, orimproperly altered official certificate or any device or label or any carcassof any poultry, or part or product thereof, bearing any counterfeit, simulated,forged, or improperly altered official mark;
(5) Knowingly make any false statement in any shipper'scertificate or other nonofficial or official certificate provided for in theregulations prescribed by the Board; or
(6) Knowingly represent that any article has been inspected andpassed, or exempted, under this Article when, in fact, it has, respectively,not been so inspected and passed, or exempted. (1971, c. 677, s. 9.)