Article 49F.
Biological Residues in Animals.
§ 106‑549.81. Definitions.
For the purpose of this Article, the following terms shall have themeanings ascribed to them in this section:
(1) "Animal" means any member of the animal kingdomexcept man.
(2) "Animal feed" means any meat, grain, forage, orother food of any plant, animal or mineral origin, or any combination thereof,which is normally fed to any animal.
(3) "Animal produce" means any product derived fromany animal, whether suitable or not for human consumption.
(4) "Biological residue" means any substance,including metabolites, remaining in or on any animal prior to or at the time ofslaughter or in any of its tissues after slaughter, or in or on any animalproduct or animal feed, as the result of treatment with, or exposure, of theanimal, animal product, or animal feed to any pesticide, hormone, hormone‑likesubstance, growth promoter, antibiotic, anthelmintic, tranquilizer, or othertherapeutic or prophylactic agent.
(5) "Board" means the North Carolina Board ofAgriculture.
(6) "Commissioner" means the North CarolinaCommissioner of Agriculture or his authorized delegate.
(7) "Person" means any individual, partnership,corporation, association, cooperative or other legal entity.
(8) "State" means the State of North Carolina. (1971, c. 1183, s. 1.)