§ 106‑549.82. Detention or quarantine; lifting quarantine; burden of proof.
Any animal, animal product, or animal feed which the Commissioner hasreasonable cause to believe contains or bears any biological residue may beimmediately detained or quarantined by written order of the Commissioner untilit can be determined in a manner acceptable to the Commissioner that theanimal, animal feed, or animal product does not contain or bear a biologicalresidue, or that the biological residue therein is within tolerances which areestablished by, or approved by, the Board, and the detention or quarantine isremoved; or the animal, animal product or animal feed is destroyed or otherwisedisposed of in a manner acceptable to the Commissioner; or in the case of a liveanimal, it has been treated in a manner acceptable to the Commissioner toreduce the level of any biological residue to a level acceptable to theCommissioner. The burden of proof under this section shall be on the owner orcustodian of such animal, animal feed or animal product. (1971, c. 1183, s. 2.)