§ 106‑553. Policyas to referenda, assessments, etc., for promoting use and sale of farmproducts.
It is hereby further declared to be in the public interest and highlyadvantageous to the agricultural economy of the State that farmers, producersand growers commercially producing the commodities herein referred to shall bepermitted by referendum to be held among the respective groups and subject tothe provisions of this Article, to levy upon themselves an assessment on suchrespective commodities or upon the acreage used in the production of the sameand provide for the collection of the same, for the purpose of financing orcontributing towards the financing of a program of advertising and othermethods designed to increase the consumption of and the domestic as well asforeign markets for such agricultural products. Such assessments may also beused for the purpose of financing or contributing toward the financing of aprogram of production, use and sale of any and all such agriculturalcommodities. (1947, c. 1018, s.4; 1951, c. 1172, s. 2.)