§ 106‑555. Actionby Board on application.
Upon the filing with the Board of Agriculture of such application onthe part of any commission, council, board or other agency, the said Board ofAgriculture shall within 30 days thereafter meet and consider such application;and if upon such consideration the said Board of Agriculture shall find thatthe commission, council, board or other agency making such application isfairly representative of and has been duly chosen and delegated asrepresentative of the growers producing such commodity, and shall otherwisefind and determine that such application is in conformity with the provisionsof this Article and the purposes herein stated, then and in such an event itshall be the duty of the Board of Agriculture to certify such commission,council, board or other agency as the duly delegated and authorized group oragency representative of the commercial growers and producers of suchagricultural commodity, and shall likewise certify that such agency is dulyauthorized to conduct among the growers and producers of such commodity areferendum for the purposes herein stated. (1947, c. 1018, s. 6.)