§ 106‑568.2. Policy as to referendum and assessment.
It is declared to be in the public interest and highly advantageous tothe economic development of the State that farmers, producers, and growers ofagricultural commodities using commercial feed and/or fertilizers or theiringredients be permitted by referendum held among themselves to levy uponthemselves an assessment of fifteen cents (15¢) per ton on mixed fertilizers,commercial feed, and their ingredients (except lime and land plaster) toprovide funds through the Agricultural Foundation to supplement the establishedprogram of agricultural research and dissemination of research facts.
It is further declared to be in the public interest and highlyadvantageous to the economic development of the State that tobacco producers bepermitted by referendum to levy upon themselves an assessment not to exceed tencents (10¢) per hundred pounds of tobacco marketed to provide funds through theNorth Carolina Tobacco Research Commission for research and dissemination ofresearch facts concerning tobacco. (1951, c. 827, s. 2; 1981, c. 181, s. 1; 1991, c. 102, s. 1; 1999‑172,s. 1.)