§ 106‑568.23. Regulations as to referendum; notice to farm organizations and county agents.
The exact date, on which such referendum shall be held and the hours,voting places, and rules and regulations under which such referendum shall beconducted, shall be established and determined by the board of directors of theNorth Carolina corporation known and designated as Tobacco Associates,Incorporated, established under the leadership of farm organizations in theState of North Carolina for the purpose of stimulating, developing andexpanding export trade for flue‑cured tobacco and the use of tobaccoeverywhere; the said referendum date, hours, voting places, rules andregulations with respect to the holding of such referendum shall be publishedthrough the medium of the public press in the State of North Carolina by saidboard of directors at least 15 days before the holding of such referendum, anddirect written notice thereof shall likewise be given to all farm organizationswithin the State of North Carolina and to each county agent in any county inwhich flue‑cured tobacco is grown. (1959, c. 309, s. 6; 1987, c. 294, s. 4.)