§ 106‑568.3. Action of Board of Agriculture on petition for referendum; creation of theTobacco Research Commission.
(a) The State Board of Agriculture, upon a petition being filedwith it so requesting and signed by the governing boards of the North CarolinaFarm Bureau Federation, the North Carolina State Grange, and the North CarolinaAgricultural Foundation, Inc., shall examine such petition and upon findingthat it complies with the provisions of this Article shall authorize theholding of a referendum as hereinafter set out and the governing boards of theNorth Carolina Farm Bureau Federation, the North Carolina State Grange, and theNorth Carolina Agricultural Foundation, Inc., shall thereupon be fullyauthorized and empowered to hold and conduct on the part of the producers andgrowers of the commodities herein mentioned a referendum on the question ofwhether or not such growers and producers shall levy upon themselves anassessment under and subject to and for the purposes stated in this Article. Provided,that the petition for a tobacco referendum shall be signed by and, onceapproved, shall authorize the holding of a referendum by the governing boardsof the North Carolina Farm Bureau Federation, Inc., the North Carolina StateGrange, the North Carolina Tobacco Foundation, Inc., and the Tobacco GrowersAssociation of North Carolina, Incorporated.
(b) There is hereby created a North Carolina Tobacco ResearchCommission within the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services. TheCommission shall consist of the Commissioner of Agriculture, or his designee;the President of the North Carolina Farm Bureau Federation, Inc., or hisdesignee; the President of the Tobacco Growers Association of North Carolina,Incorporated, or his designee; the Master of the North Carolina State Grange,or his designee; and, the President of the North Carolina Tobacco Foundation,Inc., or his designee. (1951, c. 827, s. 3; 1991, c. 102, s. 2; 1997‑261, s. 109.)