§ 106‑579.7. Rulesand regulations.
(a) The Board is authorized to promulgate such reasonable rules,regulations and standards for antifreezes as are specifically authorized inthis Article and such other reasonable rules and regulations as may be necessaryfor the efficient enforcement of this Article and the protection of thepublic. The Board is authorized to promulgate regulations banning thedistribution in North Carolina of any type of product not suitable forantifreeze usage in modern internal combustion engines or motor vehicles,whether by reason of potential damage to the cooling system, improper heattransfer from the engine, absence of a convenient and suitable test method formeasuring freeze protection, or other reason bearing upon the ultimate effectof the product when used in such automotive cooling systems. Before theissuance, amendment, or repeal of any rule, regulation or standard authorizedby this Article, the Board shall publish the proposed regulation, amendment, ornotice to repeal an existing regulation in a manner reasonably calculated togive interested parties, including all current registrants, adequate notice andshall afford all interested persons an opportunity to present their viewsthereon, orally or in writing, within a reasonable period of time. Afterconsideration of all views presented by interested persons, the Board shalltake appropriate action as dictated by the material weight of objectiveinformation presented to the Board.
(b) The Commissioner shall administer this Article byinspections, chemical analyses and other appropriate methods. The Commissionershall also execute all orders, rules and regulations established by the Board.All authority vested in the Commissioner by virtue of the provisions of thisArticle may, with like force and effect, be executed by such agents of theCommissioner as he shall designate for such purpose; provided, however, thatconfidential formula information referred to in G.S. 106‑579.11 must beconfined to the files of the administrative chemist specifically designated bythe Commissioner to handle such information. (1949, c. 1165; 1975, c. 719, s. 7.)