§ 106‑639.1. Permit to sell bees.
Prior to selling bees in North Carolina, a person shall obtain a permitfrom the Commissioner. Application for the permit shall be made on a formprovided by the Commissioner, and shall be accompanied by a nonrefundable feeof twenty‑five dollars ($25.00). The Commissioner may deny, suspend, orrevoke a permit for any violation of this Article or rules adopted to implementthe Article. Permits shall expire annually on December 31 and may be renewedupon payment of a fee of twenty‑five dollars ($25.00). All proceedingsconcerning the denial, suspension, or revocation of a permit shall be conductedin accordance with the Administrative Procedure Act, Chapter 150B of theGeneral Statutes. No permit shall be required for (i) the sale of less than 10bee hives in a calendar year, (ii) a one‑time going‑out‑of‑businesssale of less than 50 bee hives, or (iii) the renting of bees for pollinationpurposes or the movement of bees to gather honey. (1991, c. 349, s. 1.)