§ 106‑643. Designation of persons to administer Article; inspections, etc.
The Commissioner shall have the authority to designate such employeesof the Department or persons collaborating with the Department as may seemexpedient to carry out the duties and exercise the powers provided by thisArticle. The Commissioner is authorized to survey or inspect premises for thepresence of bees or other regulated articles, inspect colonies for bee diseasesand disorders, and otherwise enforce the provisions of this Article andpursuant regulations. The Commissioner or his designated agent shall haveauthority to inspect vehicles or other means of transportation and their cargosuspected of carrying bees or regulated articles, and enter upon any premisesto inspect any bees or regulated articles to determine the presence or absenceof diseases or disorders.
Such inspections and other activities may be conducted with thepermission of the owner or person in charge. If permission is denied theCommissioner or his designated agent, such inspections and other activities maybe conducted in a reasonable manner, with a warrant, with respect to anypremises or vehicles. Such warrant shall be issued pursuant to Article 4A ofChapter 15. A superior court or district court judge may issue confiscationorders on any bees or articles for which confiscation is authorized in thisArticle or pursuant regulations. (1977, c. 238, s. 10.)