§ 106‑65.29. Rulesand regulations.
In order to ensure that persons licensed and certified under thisArticle are capable of performing a high quality of workmanship, the Committeemay adopt rules with respect to:
(1) The amount and kind of training required of an applicant fora license and certified applicator's card to engage in any one or more of thethree phases of structural pest control, and the amount and kind of trainingrequired of an applicant for a registered technician's identification card.
(2) The type, frequency and passing score of any examinationgiven an applicant for a license and certified applicator's card under thisArticle.
(3) The amount, kind and frequency of continuing educationrequired of a licensee and certified applicator.
(4) The methods and materials to be used in performing any workauthorized by the issuance of a license and certified applicator's card underthis Article.
(5) The business records to be made and maintained by licenseesand certified applicators under this Article necessary for the Committee todetermine whether the licensee and certified applicator is performing a highquality of workmanship.
(6) The credentials and identification required of licensees andcertified applicators, their employees and equipment, including servicevehicles, when engaged in any work defined under this Article.
(7) Safety methods and procedures for structural pest controlwork.
(8) Fees for reinspection following a finding of a deviation, asdefined by the Committee.
(9) Fees for training materials provided by the Committee or theDivision. Such fees may be placed in a revolving fund to be used for trainingand continuing education purposes and shall not revert to the General Fund.
(9a) Efficacy data and other technical information to be submittedby registrants and manufacturers of pesticides and other materials or devicesfor review and approval, in order for the Committee and the enforcement agencyto ensure the efficacy of pesticides and other materials or devices used instructural pest control in this State. This subdivision does not require eitherthe Committee or the enforcement agency to disclose any information that isconfidential information within the meaning of G.S. 132‑1.2.
(10) The policies and programs set forth in this Article. (1955, c. 1017; 1967, c. 1184, s. 8; 1975, c. 570, s.14; 1977, c. 231, s. 9; 1981, c. 495, s. 3; 1987, c. 368, s. 2; c. 827, s. 28;1989, c. 725, s. 5; 1999‑381, s. 7.)