§ 106‑65.73. Quarantine.
The Commissioner is authorized to promulgate regulations, quarantiningthis State, or any portion thereof, and governing the storage or other handlingin the quarantined areas of regulated articles and the movement of regulated articlesinto or from such areas, when he shall determine that such action is necessary,or reasonably appears necessary, to prevent or retard the spread of the bollweevil. The Commissioner is also authorized to promulgate regulations governingthe movement of regulated articles from other states or portions thereof intothis State when such state is known to be infested with the boll weevil. Beforequarantining any area, the Commissioner shall hold a public hearing under suchrules as he shall determine, at which hearing any interested party may appearand be heard either in person or by attorney: Provided, however, theCommissioner may promulgate regulations, imposing a temporary quarantine for aperiod not to exceed 60 days, during which time a public hearing, as hereinprovided, shall be held if it appears that a quarantine for more than 60 dayswill be necessary to prevent or retard the spread of the boll weevil. It shallbe unlawful for any person to store or handle any regulated article in aquarantined area, or to move into or from a quarantined area any regulatedarticle, except under such conditions as may be prescribed by the regulationspromulgated by the Commissioner. (1975, c. 958, s. 7; 1977, c. 507, s. 1.)