§ 106‑65.75. Authority for destruction or treatment of cotton in elimination zones; whencompensation payable.
The Commissioner or his authorized representative shall have authorityto destroy, or in his discretion, to treat with pesticides volunteer or othernoncommercial cotton and to establish procedures for the purchase anddestruction of commercial cotton in elimination zones when the Commissionerdeems such action necessary to effectuate the purposes of this Article. Nopayment shall be made by the Commissioner to the owner or lessee for thedestruction or injury of any cotton which was planted in an elimination zoneafter publication of notice as provided in G.S. 106‑65.74, or which wasotherwise handled in violation of this Article or the regulations adoptedpursuant thereto. However, the Commissioner shall pay for losses resulting fromthe destruction of cotton which was planted in such zones prior to promulgationof such notice. (1975, c. 958, s.9; 1977, c. 507, ss. 4, 5.)