§ 106‑736. AgriculturalDevelopment/Farmland preservation programs authorized.
(a) A county or a citymay by ordinance establish a farmland preservation program under this Article.The ordinance may authorize qualifying farms, as defined in G.S. 106‑737,to take advantage of one or more of the benefits authorized by the remainingsections of this Article.
(b) A county or a citymay develop programs to promote the growth, development, and sustainability offarming and assist farmers in developing and implementing plans that achievethese goals. For purposes of this Article, the terms "agriculture","agricultural", and "farming" have the same meaning as setforth in G.S. 106‑581.1. (1985 (Reg. Sess., 1986), c. 1025, s. 1; 2005‑390,ss. 2, 10.)