§ 106‑739. Agriculturaladvisory board.
An ordinance adopted underthis Part or Part 3 of this Article shall provide for the establishment of anagricultural advisory board, organized and appointed as the county or city thatadopted the ordinance shall deem appropriate. The county or city that adoptedthe ordinance may confer upon this advisory board authority to:
(1) Review and makerecommendations concerning the establishment and modification of agriculturaldistricts;
(2) Review and makerecommendations concerning any ordinance or amendment adopted or proposed foradoption under this Part or Part 3 of this Article;
(3) Hold public hearingson public projects likely to have an impact on agricultural operations,particularly if such projects involve condemnation of all or part of anyqualifying farm;
(4) Advise the governingboard of the county or city that adopted the ordinance on projects, programs,or issues affecting the agricultural economy or way of life within the county;
(5) Perform otherrelated tasks or duties assigned by the governing board of the county or citythat adopted the ordinance. (1985 (Reg. Sess., 1986), c. 1025, s. 1; 2005‑390,ss. 3, 13.)