§ 106‑786. Use offunds; refunds.
The Department shall remit all funds collected under this Article tothe Association at least monthly.
The Association shall use such funds for research and marketing relatedto strawberries including such administrative expenses as may be reasonablynecessary to carry out this function. A funding committee composed of sevenmembers of the Association appointed by the Commissioner of Agriculture, shallapprove all expenditures of such funds. Funding committee members may bereimbursed for necessary expenses as determined by the Association's Board ofDirectors.
Any person who has purchased strawberry plants upon which theassessment has been paid shall have the right to receive a refund of theassessment by making demand in writing to the Association within 30 days ofpurchase of the plants. Such demand must be accompanied by proof of purchasesatisfactory to the funding committee. (1989 (Reg. Sess., 1990), c. 1027, s. 1.)