§ 106‑815. Report.
The Commissioner ofAgriculture shall file a report no later than 31 March of each year with theChairs of the House of Representatives Appropriations Subcommittee on Naturaland Economic Resources and Senate Appropriations Committee on Natural andEconomic Resources, the Chair of the House of Representatives AgricultureCommittee, and the Chair of the Senate Committee on Agriculture, Environment,and Natural Resources which shall include the following:
(1) The short‑ andlong‑term problems associated with maintaining a viable dairy industry inthe State.
(2) Ways to sustain theexisting dairy industry in the State.
(3) Opportunities toexpand the dairy industry, including attracting both new dairy producers andnew processors to the State.
(4) The contribution ofdairy farms to the maintenance of prime agricultural land and the quality oflife in the State.
(5) An analysis of theeffectiveness of the Dairy Stabilization and Growth Program in achieving thegoals of maintaining a local supply of fresh milk for processing andconsumption, facilitating the entry of young farmers into the dairy industry,and preserving green space along the urban fringe.
(6) Other factors thatimpact the dairy industry in the State. (2006‑139, s. 2; 2007‑495, s. 21.)