§ 106‑823. Referendum.
(a) The Council may conduct a referendum among horse owners uponthe question of whether an assessment shall be levied consistent with thisArticle.
(b) The Council shall determine all of the following:
(1) The amount of the proposed assessment, not to exceed twodollars ($2.00) per ton of commercial horse feed.
(2) The period for which the assessment shall be levied, not toexceed three years.
(3) The time and place of the referendum.
(4) Procedures for conducting the referendum and counting votes.
(5) Any other matters pertaining to the referendum.
(c) The amount of the proposed assessment and the method ofcollection shall be set forth on the ballot.
(d) All horse owners are eligible to vote in the referendum. TheCouncil shall send press releases about the referendum to at least 10 daily and10 weekly or biweekly newspapers having general circulation in a county in theState, and to any trade journals deemed appropriate by the Council. Notice ofthe referendum also shall be posted in every place the Council identifies asselling commercial horse feed. Any questions concerning eligibility to voteshall be resolved by the board of directors of the Council. (1998‑154, s. 1.)