§ 106‑832. (Forexpiration date, see note) The North Carolina Sustainable Local Food AdvisoryCouncil; duties.
In developing sustainablelocal food programs and policies for North Carolina, the Council may considerany of the following programmatic and policy issues:
(1) An in‑depthassessment of the foods that are served to public school students under theNational School Lunch Program and the School Breakfast Program, including thepossibility of increasing the amount of sustainable local food used in theseprograms.
(2) An in‑depthanalysis of the possibility of making sustainable local food available underpublic assistance programs, including the possibility of being able to use foodstamps at local farmers markets.
(3) An in‑depthanalysis of the possibility of promoting urban gardens and backyard gardens forthe purpose of improving the health of citizens, making use of idle urbanproperty, and lowering food costs for North Carolina urban dwellers duringtimes of economic hardship.
(4) An in‑depthanalysis of the potential impacts that the production of sustainable local foodwould have on economic development in North Carolina, both the direct impactsfor the producers of sustainable local food and the actual and potentialindirect impacts, such as encouraging restaurants that feature locally raisedagricultural products and promoting food and wine tourism.
(5) Issues regarding howlocal and regional efforts could promote a sustainable local food economy byproviding an information and engagement center that would assist entrepreneursand farmers in working around any current barriers and in pursuingopportunities related to a sustainable local food economy.
(6) Issues regarding theidentification and development of solutions to regulatory and policy barriersto developing a strong sustainable local food economy.
(7) Issues regardingstrengthening local infrastructure and entrepreneurial efforts related to asustainable local food economy.
(8) Any other programand policy issues the Council considers pertinent. (2009‑530, s. 1.)