§ 106‑92.16. Authority of Board of Agriculture to make rules and regulations.
Because legislation with regard to agricultural liming material andlandplaster sold or offered for sale in this State must be adopted (adapted) tocomplex conditions and standards involving numerous details with which theGeneral Assembly cannot deal directly and in order to effectuate the purposesand policies of the Article, and in order to insure the manufacturer,distributor, and consumer of the correct quality and quantity of allagricultural liming material and landplaster sold or offered for sale in thisState, the Board of Agriculture shall have the authority to make rules andregulations with respect to:
(1) Defining a standard agricultural liming material in terms ofneutralizing equivalents.
(2) Fineness of agricultural liming material.
(3) Form and order of labeling.
(4) Monetary penalties for deficiencies from guarantee.
(5) Monetary penalties for materials that do not meet screenguarantee. (1979, c. 590.)