§ 106‑92.3. Definitions of terms.
For the purpose of this Article:
(1) "Agricultural liming materials" means oxides,hydroxides, silicates or carbonates of calcium and/or magnesium compoundscapable of neutralizing soil acidity.
(1a) "Agricultural liming material and fertilizermixture" means any agricultural liming material combined with a singlefertilizer element or single plant nutrient.
(2) "Brand" means the term, designation, trademark,product name or other specific designation truly descriptive of the productunder which individual agricultural liming material is offered for sale.
(3) "Bulk" means in nonpackaged form.
(4) "Burnt lime" means a material, made from limestonewhich consists essentially of calcium oxide or combination of calcium oxide withmagnesium oxide.
(5) "Calcitic limestone" means limestone whichcontains less than six percent (6%) magnesium from magnesium carbonate.
(6) "Calcium carbonate equivalent" means the acidneutralizing capacity of an agricultural liming material expressed as weightpercentage of calcium carbonate.
(7) "Dolomitic limestone" means limestone having aminimum of six percent (6%) magnesium from magnesium carbonate.
(8) "Fineness" means the percentage by weight of thematerial which will pass U.S. Standard sieves of specified sizes.
(9) "Hydrated lime" means a material, made from burntlime, which consists essentially of calcium hydroxide or a combination ofcalcium hydroxide with magnesium oxide and/or magnesium hydroxide.
(10) "Industrial by‑product liming material" meansany industrial waste or by‑product containing calcium or calcium andmagnesium in forms that will neutralize soil acidity.
(11) "Label" means any written or printed matter on orattached to the package or on the delivery ticket which accompanies bulkshipments.
(12) "Landplaster" means a material containing calciumsulfate.
(13) "Limestone" means a material consisting essentiallyof calcium carbonate or a combination of calcium carbonate with magnesiumcarbonate capable of neutralizing soil acidity.
(14) "Marl" means a granular or loosely consolidatedearth‑like material composed largely of sea shell fragments and calciumcarbonate.
(15) "Percent" or "percentage" which means byweight.
(16) "Person" means individual, partnership,association, firm or corporation.
(17) "Sale" means any transfer of title or possession,or both, exchange or barter of tangible personal property, conditional orotherwise for a consideration paid or to be paid, and this shall include any ofsaid transactions whereby title or ownership is to pass and shall further meanand include any bailment, loan, lease, rental or license to use or consumetangible personal property for a consideration paid in which possession ofsaid property passes to bailee, borrower, lessee, or licensee.
(18) "Sell" means the alienation, exchange, transfer orcontract for such transfer of property for a fixed price in money or itsequivalent.
(19) "Suspension lime" means a product made by mixingagricultural liming materials with water and a suspending agent.
(20) "Ton" means a net weight of 2,000 poundsavoirdupois.
(21) "Weight" means the weight of undried material asoffered for sale. (1979, c. 590;1981, c. 449, s. 2.)