§ 106‑92.5. Labeling.
(a) Agricultural liming materials sold, offered for sale ordistributed in the State shall have affixed to each package in a conspicuousmanner on the outside thereof, a plainly printed, stamped or otherwise markedlabel, tag or statement, or in the case of bulk sales, a delivery slip, settingforth at least the following information:
(1) The name and principal office address of the manufacturer ordistributor.
(2) The brand or trade name truly descriptive of the material.
(3) The identification of the product as to the type of theagricultural liming material.
(4) The net weight of the agricultural liming material.
(5) The minimum percentages of calcium and magnesium.
(6) Calcium carbonate equivalent as determined by methodsprescribed by the Association of Official Analytical Chemists. Minimum calciumcarbonate equivalent shall be prescribed by regulation.
(7) The minimum percent by weight passing through U. S.Standard sieves as prescribed by regulations.
(b) Landplaster sold, offered for sale or distributed in thisState shall have affixed to each package in a conspicuous manner on the outsidethereof, a plainly printed, stamped or otherwise marked label, tag orstatement, or in the case of bulk sales, a delivery slip, setting forth atleast the following information:
(1) The name and address of the manufacturer or distributorguaranteeing the registration.
(2) The brand or trade name of the material.
(3) The net weight.
(4) The guaranteed analysis showing the minimum percentage of calciumsulfate. (1979, c. 590.)