§ 106‑92.6. Prohibited acts.
(a) Agricultural liming material or landplaster shall not besold or offered for sale or distributed in this State unless it complies withprovisions of this law or regulations.
(b) Agricultural liming material or landplaster shall not besold or offered for sale in this State which contains toxic materials inquantities injurious to plants or animals.
(c) It is unlawful to make any false or misleading statement orrepresentation with regard to any agricultural liming material or landplasterproduct offered for sale, sold, or distributed in this State, or to use anymisleading or deceptive trademark or brand name in connection therewith. TheCommissioner may refuse, suspend, revoke, or terminate the registration of anysuch product for any violation of this section. (1979, c. 590; 1993, c. 144, s. 2.)