§ 108A‑10. Fees.
The county board of social services is authorized to enter intocontracts with any governmental or private agency, or with any person, wherebythe board of social services agrees to render services to or for such agency orperson in exchange for a fee to cover the cost of rendering such service. Thisauthority is to be limited to services voluntarily rendered and voluntarilyreceived, but shall not apply where the charging of a fee for a particularservice is specifically prohibited by statute or regulation. The fees to becharged under the authority of this section are to be based upon a planrecommended by the county director of social services and approved by the localboard of social services and the board of county commissioners. In no event isthe fee charged to exceed the cost to the board of social services. Feepolicies may not conflict with rules and regulations adopted by the SocialServices Commission or Department of Health and Human Services regarding fees.
The fees collected under the authority of this section are to bedeposited to the account of the social services department so that they may beexpended for social services purposes in accordance with the provisions ofArticle 3 of Chapter 159, the Local Government Budget and Fiscal Control Act.No individual employee is to receive any compensation over and above hisregular salary as a result of rendering services for which a fee is charged.
The county board of social services shall annually report to the countycommissioners receipts received under this section. Fees collected under thissection shall not be used to replace any other funds, either State or local,for the program for which the fees were collected. (1981, c. 275, s. 1; 1997‑443, s. 11A.118(a).)