§ 108A‑11. Inspection of records by members.
Every member of the county board of social services may inspect andexamine any record on file in the office of the director relating in any mannerto applications for and provision of public assistance and social servicesauthorized by this Chapter. No member shall disclose or make public anyinformation which he may acquire by examining such records. (1917, c. 170, s. 1; 1919, c. 46, s. 3; C.S., s. 5014;1937, c. 319, s. 3; 1941, c. 270, s. 2; 1945, c. 47; 1953, c. 132; 1955, c.249; 1957, c. 100, s. 1; 1959, c. 1255, s. 1; 1961, c. 186; 1963, c. 139; c.247, ss. 1, 2; 1969, c. 546, s. 1; 1981, c. 275, s. 1.)