§ 108A‑25.2. Exemptionfrom limitations for individuals convicted of certain drug‑relatedfelonies.
Individuals convicted of ClassH or I controlled substance felony offenses in this State shall be eligible toparticipate in the Work First Program and the food and nutrition servicesprogram:
(1) Six months afterrelease from custody if no additional controlled substance felony offense iscommitted during that period and successful completion of or continuous activeparticipation in a required substance abuse treatment program determinedappropriate by the area mental health authority; or
(2) If not committed tocustody, six months after the date of conviction if no additional controlledsubstance felony offense is committed during that period and successfulcompletion of or continuous active participation in a required substance abusetreatment program determined appropriate by the area mental health authority.
A county department of socialservices shall require individuals who are eligible for Work First Programassistance and electronic food and nutrition benefits pursuant to this sectionto undergo substance abuse treatment as a condition for receiving Work FirstProgram or electronic food and nutrition benefits, if funds and programs areavailable and to the extent allowed by federal law. (1997‑443, s. 12.4;2007‑97, s. 4; 2008‑187, s. 17.)