§ 108A‑27.4. ElectingCounties County Plan.
(a) Each ElectingCounty shall submit to the Department, according to the schedule established bythe Department and in compliance with all federal and State laws, rules, andregulations, a biennial County Plan.
(b) An ElectingCounty's County Plan shall have at least the following five parts:
(1) Part I. ConditionsWithin the County;
(2) Part II. Outcomesand Goals for the County;
(3) Part III. Plans toAchieve and Measure the Outcomes and Goals;
(4) Part IV. Administration;and
(5) Part V. FundingRequirements.
(c) Fundingrequirements shall, at least, identify the amount of a county block grant forWork First Diversion Assistance, a county block grant for Work First FamilyAssistance, a county block grant for Work First Services, and the county'smaintenance of effort contribution. A county may establish a reserve.
(d) Repealed by SessionLaws 2009‑489, s. 5, effective August 26, 2009.
(e) Each county shallinclude in its County Plan the following:
(1) Repealed by SessionLaws 2009‑489, s. 5, effective August 26, 2009.
(2) A description of thecounty's plans for serving families who need child care, transportation,substance abuse services, and employment support based on the needs of thecommunity and the availability of services and funding;
(3) Repealed by SessionLaws 2009‑489, s. 5, effective August 26, 2009.
(4) A description of thecounty's eligibility criteria, benefit calculation, and any other policiesadopted by the county relating to eligibility, terms, and conditions forreceiving Work First Program assistance, including sanctions, asset and incomerequirements, time limits and extensions, rewards, exemptions, and exceptionsto requirements. If an Electing County Plan proposes to change eligibility requirements,benefits levels, or reduce maintenance of effort, the county shall describe thereasons for these changes and how the county intends to utilize the maintenanceof effort savings;
(5) A description of howthe county plans to utilize public and private resources to assist in movingpersons and families to self‑sufficiency; and
(6) Any request to theDepartment for waivers to rules or any proposals for statutory changes toremove any impediments to implementation of the County's Plan.
(7) The process by whichthe county will review all Work First caseloads no later than three monthsprior to expiration of time limitations for receiving cash assistance to:
a. Ensure that timelimitations on assistance have been computed correctly.
b. Ensure that thefamily is informed in writing about public assistance benefits, including childcare, Medicaid, and food and nutrition services, for which the family iseligible even while cash assistance is no longer available.
c. Provide for anextension of cash assistance benefits if the family qualifies for an extension.
d. Review family statusand assist the family in identifying resources and support the family needs tomaintain employment and family stability.
(f) Each county shallprovide to the general public an opportunity to review and comment upon itsCounty Plan prior to its submission to the Department.
(g) A county may modifyits County Plan once each biennium but not at any other time unless the countynotifies the Department of the proposed modification and the Departmentdetermines that the proposed modification is consistent with State and federallaw and the goals for the Work First Program.
(h) Electing Countiesshall have an emergency assistance program for Work First eligible families, asdefined in the electing county plan. Counties may establish income eligibilityfor emergency assistance at or below two hundred percent (200%) of the federalpoverty level. (1997‑443,s. 12.6; 1999‑359, s. 5(b), (c); 2007‑97, s. 6; 2007‑484, s.38; 2009‑489, s. 5.)