§ 108A‑27.8. StandardProgram Counties Duties of Department.
(a) The Departmentshall establish, develop, supervise, and monitor the Standard Work FirstProgram. In addition to its general duties prescribed in G.S. 108A‑27.2,the Department shall have the following duties with respect to the StandardWork First Program and the Standard Program Counties:
(1) Repealed by SessionLaws 2009‑489, s. 9, effective August 26, 2009.
(2) Advise and assistthe Social Services Commission in adopting rules necessary to implement theprovisions of this Article;
(3) Supervisedisbursement of county block grants to the Standard Program Counties for WorkFirst Services;
(4) Make payments ofWork First Family Assistance and Work First Diversion Assistance; and
(5), (6) Repealed bySession Laws 2009‑489, s. 9, effective August 26, 2009.
(7) Develop a MutualResponsibility Agreement for use by Standard Program Counties.
(b) The Secretary, inconsultation with the Office of State Budget and Management, may adopttemporary rules when necessary to:
(1) Implement provisionsof the State Plan;
(2) Maximize federalrevenues to prevent the loss of federal funds;
(3) Enhance the abilityof the Department to prevent fraud and abuse in the Work First Program; and
(4) Modify the provisionsin the State Plan as necessary to meet changed circumstances after approval ofthe State Plan.
(c) The Social ServicesCommission may adopt rules in accordance with G.S. 143B‑153 whennecessary to implement this Article and subject to delegation by the Secretaryof any rule‑making authority to implement the provisions of the StatePlan. (1997‑443,s. 12.6; 2000‑140, s. 93.1(a); 2001‑424, s. 12.2(b); 2009‑489,s. 9.)