§ 108A‑43. Application procedure.
(a) Applications under this Part shall be made to the countydirector of social services who, with the approval of the county board ofsocial services and in conformity with the rules and regulations of the SocialServices Commission, shall determine whether assistance shall be granted andthe amount of such assistance; but the county board of social services maydelegate to the county director the authority to approve or reject allapplications for assistance under this Part, in which event the county directorshall not be required to report his actions to the board.
(b) The amount of assistance which any eligible person mayreceive shall be determined with regard to the resources and necessaryexpenditures of the applicant, in accordance with the appropriate rules andregulations of the Social Services Commission. (1949, c. 1038, s. 2; 1961, c. 186; 1969, c. 546, s.1; 1973, c. 476, s. 138; c. 717, s. 4; 1981, c. 275, s. 1.)