§ 108A‑47. Limitations on payments.
No payment of assistance under this Part shall be made for the care ofany person in an adult care home that is owned or operated in whole or in partby any of the following:
(1) A member of the Social Services Commission, of any countyboard of social services, or of any board of county commissioners;
(2) An official or employee of the Department, unless theofficial or employee has been appointed temporary manager of the facilitypursuant to G.S. 131E‑237, or of any county department of socialservices;
(3) A spouse of a person designated in subdivisions (1) and (2).(1979, c. 702, s. 10;1981, c. 275, s. 1; 1995, c. 298, s. 1; c. 535, s. 6.)