§ 108A‑47.1. SpecialAssistance in‑home payments.
The Department of Health andHuman Services may use funds from the existing State‑County SpecialAssistance for Adults budget to provide Special Assistance payments to eligibleindividuals in in‑home living arrangements. These payments may be madefor up to fifteen percent (15%) of the caseload for all State‑CountySpecial Assistance for Adults. The standard monthly payment to individualsenrolled in the Special Assistance in‑home program shall be seventy‑fivepercent (75%) of the monthly payment the individual would receive if theindividual resided in an adult care home and qualified for Special Assistance,except if a lesser payment amount is appropriate for the individual asdetermined by the local case manager. The Department shall implement SpecialAssistance in‑home eligibility policies and procedures to assure that in‑homeprogram participants are those individuals who need and, but for the in‑homeprogram, would seek placement in an adult care home facility. The Department'spolicies and procedures shall include the use of a functional assessment. TheDepartment shall make this in‑home option available to all counties on avoluntary basis. To the maximum extent possible, the Department shall consider geographicbalance in the dispersion of payments to individuals across the State. (2007‑323, s.10.14(a).)