§ 108A‑70.26. Application process; outreachefforts; appeals.
(a) Application. The Department shall use an application formfor the Program that is concise, relatively easy for the applicant tocomprehend and complete, and only as lengthy as necessary for identifyingapplicants, determining eligibility for the Program or Medicaid, and providinginformation to applicants on requirements for application submission and proofof eligibility. Application forms shall be obtainable from public healthdepartments and county departments of social services. Applications shall beprocessed by the county department of social services and may be submitted bymail. The Department may adopt rules for the submission and processing ofapplications and for securing the proof of eligibility for benefits under thisPart.
The application form for the Program shall have printed on it orattached to it a notice stating substantially: "The Health InsuranceProgram for Children is a federally and State funded program that may be discontinuedif federal funds are not provided for its continuation."
(b) Outreach Efforts. The Department shall adopt procedures toensure that the Program is adequately publicized statewide and to comply withfederal outreach requirements. The Department shall make information about theProgram available through the Internet and shall explore the feasibility ofsecuring a 24‑hour toll‑free telephone number to facilitate accessto Program information. In order to avoid duplication of efforts, in developingoutreach procedures the Department shall establish system linkages to ensurethe collaboration and coordination of information between and among the Programand such ongoing programs and efforts as:
WIC Program.
Maternal and Child Health Block Grant.
Children's Special Health Services.
Smart Start.
Head Start.
TheDepartment shall seek private and federal grant funds for outreach activities.The Department shall also seek the participation of the private sector inproviding no‑cost or low‑cost avenues for publicizing the Programin local communities and statewide. The Department may work with the StateHealth Plan Purchasing Alliance Board to develop programs that utilize theexpertise and resources of the Alliances in outreach activities to employees ofsmall businesses.
(c) Appeals. A person who is dissatisfied with the action of acounty department of social services with respect to the determination ofeligibility for benefits under the Program may appeal the action in accordancewith G.S. 108A‑79. (1998‑1, s. 1.)