§ 108A‑93. Withholding of State moneys from counties failing to pay public assistancecosts.
The Director of the Budget may withhold from any county that does notpay its full share of public assistance costs to the State and has not obtaineda loan for repayment under G.S. 108A‑89, any State moneys appropriatedfrom the General Fund for public assistance and related administrative costs,or may direct the Secretary of Revenue and State Controller to withhold any taxowed to a county under G.S. 105‑113.82, Subchapter VIII of Chapter 105 ofthe General Statutes, or Chapter 1096 of the Session Laws of 1967. The Directorof the Budget shall notify the chair of the board of county commissioners ofthe proposed action prior to the withholding of funds. (1981, c. 859, s. 16; 1985, c. 114, s. 13; 1995, c.41, s. 9.)