§ 108B‑26. Organization and authority.
(a) Agencies, as provided in G.S. 108B‑24 shall have or berequired to establish a governing board of directors which shall consist of notless than 15 nor more than 51 members. One‑third of the members shall below‑income, elderly, or handicapped consumers residing in the servicearea of the agency. Consumer representatives shall be selected through ademocratic process pursuant to guidelines established by the Department. Notless than one‑third of the members of the board shall be appointed by thechief elected officials in the service area. The remaining positions on theboard, if any, shall be filled by officials or members of business, industry,labor, religious, welfare, education, or civic organizations located in theservice area.
(b) The board of directors shall be responsible for all of thefollowing:
(1) The appointment and dismissal of an executive director.
(2) The approval of contracts, budgets, requests, and majormodifications of budgets and contracts.
(3) The performance of an annual audit by certified publicaccountants to include all assets, liabilities, revenue, and expenditures.
(4) The establishment of policies for the operation of theagency.
(5) Annually advising the chief elected officials of the unitsof local government within the service area of the nature and extent of povertywithin the area. Included in this annual report will be an assessment of thecommunity action agency policies and programs and their impact on the problemsof poverty in the service area.
(6) The convening of public meetings to provide low‑incomeand other persons the opportunity to comment upon public policies and programsto reduce poverty. (1983 (Reg. Sess.,1984), c. 1034, s. 111.1; 1989 (Reg. Sess., 1990), c. 1004, s. 34(c).)