§ 10B‑42.1. Notarialcertificate for a verification of nonsubscribing witness.
(a) When properlycompleted by a notary, a notarial certificate in substantially the followingform may be used and shall be sufficient under the law of this State to satisfythe requirements for a notarial certificate for the verification or proof ofthe signature of a principal or subscribing witness by a nonsubscribingwitness. The authorization of the form in this section does not preclude theuse of other forms.
__________________County, North Carolina
Icertify (name of nonsubscribing witness) personally appeared before me this dayand certified to me under oath or by affirmation that he or she is not agrantee or beneficiary of the transaction, that (name of nonsubscribingwitness) recognizes the signature of (name of the principal or the subscribingwitness) and that the signature is genuine.
Date:________________________ Official Signature of Notary
Notary'sprinted or typed name, Notary Public
(OfficialSeal) My commission expires: _________
(b) The notary'sprinted or typed name as shown in the form provided in subsection (a) of thissection is not required if the legible appearance of the notary's name may beascertained from the notary's typed or printed name near the notary's signatureor from elsewhere in the notarial certificate or from the notary's seal if thename is legible. (2006‑59,s. 21.)