§ 10B‑52. Change ofcounty.
(a) A notary who hasmoved to another county in North Carolina remains commissioned until thecurrent commission expires, is not required to obtain a new seal, and maycontinue to notarize without changing his or her seal.
(b) When a notary whohas moved applies to be recommissioned, if the commission is granted the,Secretary shall issue a notice of recommissioning. The commission applicantshall then do all of the following:
(1) Obtain a new sealbearing the new county exactly as in the notice of recommissioning.
(2) Appear before theregister of deeds to which the commission was delivered within 45 days ofrecommissioning, to be duly qualified by taking the general oath of officeprescribed in G.S. 11‑11 and the oath prescribed for officers in G.S. 11‑7under the new county and to have the notary public record changed to reflectthe new county name. (1991, c. 683, s. 2; 1995, c. 226; s. 3; 2005‑391, s. 4.)