§ 10B‑7. Statement ofpersonal qualification.
(a) The application fora notary commission shall include at least all of the following:
(1) The applicant's fulllegal name and the name to be used for commissioning, excluding nicknames.
(2) The applicant's dateof birth.
(3) The mailing addressfor the applicant's residence, the street address for the applicant'sresidence, and the telephone number for the applicant's residence.
(4) The applicant'scounty of residence.
(5) The name of theapplicant's employer, the street and mailing address for the applicant'semployer, and telephone number for the applicant's employer.
(6) The applicant's lastfour digits of the applicant's social security number.
(7) The applicant'spersonal and business e‑mail addresses.
(8) A declaration thatthe applicant is a citizen of the United States or proof of the applicant'slegal residency in this country.
(9) A declaration thatthe applicant can speak, read, and writes in the English language.
(10) A complete listing ofany issuances, denials, revocations, suspensions, restrictions, andresignations of a notarial commission, professional license, or public officeinvolving the applicant in this or any other state or nation.
(11) A complete listing ofany criminal convictions of the applicant, including any pleas of admission ornolo contendere, in this or any other state or nation.
(12) A complete listing ofany civil findings or admissions of fault or liability regarding theapplicant's activities as a notary, in this or any other state or nation.
(b) The informationprovided in an application that relates to subdivisions (2), (3), (6), and (7)of subsection (a) of this section shall be considered confidential informationand shall not be subject to disclosure under Chapter 132 of the GeneralStatutes. (2005‑391,s. 4; 2006‑59, s. 3.)