§ 110‑102. Information for parents.
The Secretary shall provide to each operator of a child care facility asummary of this Article for the parents, guardian, or full‑time custodianof each child receiving child care in the facility to be distributed by theoperator. Operators of child care facilities shall provide a copy of thesummary to each child's parent, guardian, or full‑time custodian beforethe child is enrolled in the child care facility. The child's parent, guardian,or full‑time custodian shall sign a statement attesting that he or shereceived a copy of the summary before the child's enrollment. The summary shallinclude the name and address of the Secretary and the address of theCommission. The summary shall explain how parents may obtain information onindividual child care facilities maintained in public files by the Division ofChild Development. The summary shall also include a statement regarding themandatory duty prescribed in G.S. 7B‑301 of any person suspecting childabuse or neglect has taken place in child care, or elsewhere, to report to thecounty Department of Social Services. The statement shall include thedefinitions of child abuse and neglect described in the Juvenile Code in G.S.7B‑101 and of child abuse described in the Criminal Code in G.S. 14‑318.2and G.S. 14‑318.4. The statement shall stress that this reporting lawdoes not require that the person reporting reveal the person's identity.
The summary of this Article shall be posted with the facility's licensein accordance with G.S. 110‑99. Religious‑sponsored programsoperating pursuant to G.S. 110‑106 shall post the summary in a prominentplace at all times so that it is easily reviewed by parents. (1971, c. 803, s. 1; 1975, c. 879, s. 15; 1977, c. 1011, s. 3; 1985, c.757, ss. 155(o), 156(v); 1997‑443, s. 11A.118(a); 1997‑506, s. 18;1998‑202, s. 13(w); 2003‑196, s. 1.)