§ 110‑102.1. Reporting of missing or deceased children.
(a) Operators and staff, as defined in G.S. 110‑86(7), andG.S. 110‑91(8), or any adult present with the approval of the careprovider in a child care facility as defined in G.S. 110‑86(3) and G.S. 110‑106,upon learning that a child which has been placed in their care or presence ismissing, shall immediately report the missing child to law enforcement. Forpurposes of this Article, a child is anyone under the age of 18.
(b) If a child dies while in child care, or of injuriessustained in child care, a report of the death must be made by the child careoperator to the Secretary within 24 hours of the child's death or on the nextworking day. (1985, c. 392;1987, c. 788, s. 12; 1997‑506, s. 19.)