Article 9.
Child Support.
§ 110‑128. Purposes.
The purposes of this Article are to provide for the financial supportof dependent children; to enforce spousal support when a child support order isbeing enforced; to provide that public assistance paid to dependent children isa supplement to the support required to be provided by the responsible parent;to provide that the payment of public assistance creates a debt to the State;to provide that the acceptance of public assistance operates as an assignmentof the right to child support; to provide for the location of absent parents;to provide for a determination that a responsible parent is able to support hischildren; and to provide for enforcement of the responsible parent's obligationto furnish support and to provide for the establishment and administration of aprogram of child support enforcement in North Carolina. (1975, c. 827, s. 1; 1977, 2nd Sess., c. 1186, s. 1;1985, c. 506, s. 2.)